Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reaching a milestone

We stood all my Star Wars guys up on the fireplace today and counted them. I have 90! Mommy says that's enough. Daddy's not so sure.


Ashley said...

WOW RYE!!! 90??? THAT'S A LOT!

Papa Yoda/Princess Leia Grammy said...

Ninety is not enough to defeat the Rebel Force. More must you have.
Love you, PapaYoda

Papa Yoda/Princess Leia Grammy said...

Ryewalker - 90 Star Wars guys is NOT enough.. Just ask Daddy how many G I Joes he has.... 90 is NOT enough... Love you to pieces, Princess Leia Grammy

Jeannine said...

What an accomplishment to have ninety star wars figures at such a young age! I'm with your mom on this one though. Ninety is the perfect ammount!