Saturday, September 20, 2008

Execute Order 66

I'm going to be the Emperor for Halloween. He's my favorite "Star Wars" guy because he's so naughty and he shoots blue Force stuff out of his hands. Grammy made me the Emperor costume and Mommy, Daddy and I figured out how to make the blue stuff. We got gloves and put blue pipe cleaners on them. I think it looks really cool and scary. I like to say, "Execute Order 66" because that's what the Emperor says in "Revenge of the Sith" when he turns Anakin into Darth Vader and goes after the Jedi.


Chris said...

You look great, Rye. I'm sure Halloween can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Cool costume, Rye! Happy early Halloween.

Papa Yoda/Princess Leia Grammy said...

Looking forward I am, to a light saber duel again.
Remember, strong is the force.

Papa Yoda

Papa Yoda/Princess Leia Grammy said...

Ryewalker... you are a real emperor... how awesome you look in the cape and the pointed sleeves. I am so happy that I could make it for you... does that mean that I am on the dark side with you??
Love you to pieces,,, Princess Leia Grammy

Ashley said...

Awesome costume!!! I can't wait for Halloween to get here either!