Thursday, September 4, 2008

My new lightsaber

I have a new lightsaber. I like it because it makes a noise -- brrrrrrrrjup -- and it lights up. My other lightsabers don't do that. On the box it says this is Obi-Wan's lightsaber. He always says, "Oh, I don't think so." But I really do think this is Obi-Wan's lightsaber.

Oh and look at my shirt. I like it because it has Luke and Darth Vader on it. It's from the old movies like "Empire Strikes Back," "Return of the Jedi" and the first one where Luke blows up the Death Star. That part's funny because one X-wing guy says, "This is it boys" and another one says, "I can't see them" and another one says, "Stay on target." I like that part.


Veronica said...

Rye, I love this post! It's very funny and silly.

I love you, too.

Anonymous said...

I like your new lightsaber and your Star Wars shirt, Rye!

Ashley said...
