Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas time!

I decorated parts of the house all by myself.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reaching a milestone

We stood all my Star Wars guys up on the fireplace today and counted them. I have 90! Mommy says that's enough. Daddy's not so sure.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"You don't know the power of the Dark Side!"

We got a cool Darth Vader mask. It talks. It's really cool.

New lightsabers

We went to Lowe's this weekend and got stuff to make lightsabers. We did that at my birthday this year, and we did it again this weekend. We put plastic plumbing pipes and foam insulators together and then wrapped them in tape. This weekend, we made a Dooku lightsaber with a curved handle and a Darth Maul lightsaber with two blades. Both are bad guy Sith Lords.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Execute Order 66

I'm going to be the Emperor for Halloween. He's my favorite "Star Wars" guy because he's so naughty and he shoots blue Force stuff out of his hands. Grammy made me the Emperor costume and Mommy, Daddy and I figured out how to make the blue stuff. We got gloves and put blue pipe cleaners on them. I think it looks really cool and scary. I like to say, "Execute Order 66" because that's what the Emperor says in "Revenge of the Sith" when he turns Anakin into Darth Vader and goes after the Jedi.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dark side bedtime

Grammy made me a Darth Vader cape. I wore it with my Vader jammies and held my Vader lightsaber and played that Vader music just before night-night time.

"I am your father!"

Not really. I'm just joking.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The hunt for Dooku's lightsaber

Count Dooku is a really, really, really bad guy who has a special lightsaber. It has a curved handle. I don't really know why, but it does.

I lost Dooku's lightsaber for my Dooku Star Wars guy. It's really little. My daddy gets kind of mad when I lose things, so we had to look everywhere for it.

We looked in my Star Wars box. It wasn't there.

We looked in my room. It wasn't there.

We looked downstairs. It wasn't there.

We looked in my green backpack. It wasn't there.

Then we looked in the couch, under the cushions. It was there. And another lightsaber and another lightsaber and another lightsaber and a droid. I was happy and Daddy was happy. We think the Force maybe put it there and helped us find it.

My new lightsaber

I have a new lightsaber. I like it because it makes a noise -- brrrrrrrrjup -- and it lights up. My other lightsabers don't do that. On the box it says this is Obi-Wan's lightsaber. He always says, "Oh, I don't think so." But I really do think this is Obi-Wan's lightsaber.

Oh and look at my shirt. I like it because it has Luke and Darth Vader on it. It's from the old movies like "Empire Strikes Back," "Return of the Jedi" and the first one where Luke blows up the Death Star. That part's funny because one X-wing guy says, "This is it boys" and another one says, "I can't see them" and another one says, "Stay on target." I like that part.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Darth Vader's music

My grandma gave me this Darth Vader button that plays his music when you push it. Listen.

Friday, August 15, 2008

"Clone Wars" review

My daddy and I saw the new "Star Wars" movie. It's called "Clone Wars." It's a cartoon and it's good. I will tell you about it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Get to know ... Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Mace and Obi-Wan are Jedi Masters. That means they're good guys. I will tell you about them.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get to know ... my new 'Star Wars' box and Darth Vader

My daddy got me a new box for my guys, so we can find their stuff better. Darth Vader's in there.

**Spoiler Alert**
Major plot points involving Darth Vader, Luke and Ewoks are revealed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Get to know ... General Grievous

I want to tell you about all the "Star Wars" guys. General Grievous first.

He is really cool because he has three -- no -- four lightsabers for his four arms.

He's naughty because he fights Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's kind of cool, too, because he's part robot.

When Obi-Wan fights him, he cuts off two of General Grievous' robot hands and then chases him. Grievous is in a car thing and Obi-Wan is on a big, big lizard. Grievous knocks Obi-Wan off this ledge, but Obi-Wan hangs on. He's always hanging off something. But then Obi-Wan gets Grievous' gun and shoots him, and Grievous goes "AWWWWW!" and fire comes out of his eyes and he dies. I like that part.

For more on the General, watch this movie:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Episode I: The Phantom 3-year-old

My name is Rye. I'm 3. I like "Star Wars," the good guys and the bad guys. Look at my movies.

Bad guys:

Good guys: